臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.9(6)

特集名 超音波内視鏡の新展開
題名 上部消化管病変に対する三次元超音波内視鏡検査
発刊年月 1999年 08月
著者 神津 照雄 千葉大学医学部光学医療診療部
【 要旨 】 1980年代前半に開発され普及してきた超音波内視鏡は今日では消化器疾患に不可欠な検査法になってきている.その後,細径超音波ブローブの時代になり新たな展開を示すことになる.2-D画像の利点は病巣の深達度診断,病変の性状の把握に重要な情報を与える貢献をしてきた.超音波内視鏡の新展開の分野として3-D画像の有用性が模索されてきた.その一つは消化管tumorの立体的な伸展の把握であり,また消化管悪性腫瘍の術前治療の効果判定であり,今日の内視鏡治療におけるもっとも大切なリンパ節転移の判定基準となる同定リンパ節の形態変化の診断である.さらに消化管炎症性疾患における炎症波及の客観的な評価である.
Theme Recent Advances in the Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Title New Developments in Endosonography-Upper/3D Imaging-Three-dimensional Ultrasonography for Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases
Author Teruo Kouzu Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chiba University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] EUS was developed in the early 1980's and has gradually become an important modality for diagnosing gastro-intestinal diseases. Recently, the miniature sonoprobe has been introduced and is expected to provide more uses for endosonography.
Two-dimensional ultrasonography is useful for determining the invasive depth of gastrointestinal lesions and has greatly contributed to our knowledge of gastrointestinal pathology.
Three-dimensional ultrasonography has recently been developed, and its possible clinical applications are currently being studied. Three-dimensional ultrasonography has several advantages : l) it can determine the extent of the lesion being examined ; 2) it can determine the effectiveness of preoperative neoadjuvant therapy ; 3) it can accurately evaluate any changes in lymph node status, which is crucial for determining the success of endoscopic therapy of gastrointestinal malignancies ; 4) three-dimensional ultrasonography may also possible be of use in determining the extent of any inflammatory process.