臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.9(4)

特集名 超音波内視鏡の新展開
題名 超音波内視鏡による胆管癌の進展度診断
発刊年月 1999年 08月
著者 安田 健治朗 京都第二赤十字病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 内視鏡的超音波断層法(EUS)や胆膵管内超音波断層法(IDUS)は腫瘍と周囲組織の詳細な検討を可能とする.実質断層法であるこれらの診断法は,胆管像,腫瘍像並びに周囲臓器の超音波断層像から進展度判定を行うことができる.EUSでは十二指腸下降脚から,IDUSでは経乳頭的に超音波プローブを病変部に挿入して超音波走査を行う.TN(M)分類に基づいた24例の肝外胆管癌の進展度診断ではT stage でEUSが83%,IDUSが88%とUS(38%),CT(38%),angiography(54%)に比べ優れた成績を示した.また,N stageではEUSが67%,IDUSが75%で良好な結果であった.胆管癌の進展度診断は治療法の適切な選択に際して重要な要素である.EUS,IDUSは胆管癌の進展度判定で他の画像診断法を凌ぐ検査法として評価できた.
Theme Recent Advances in the Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Title Staging of Bile Duct Malignancy by Endosonography and Intraductal Ultrasonography
Author Kenjiro Yasuda Department of Gastroenterology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Endoscopic ultrasonography using an ultrasound endoscope and intra bilio-pancreatic ductal ultrasonography (IDUS) can produce precise images of bile ducts and surrounding tissues or organs. From these images, tumor expansion of the bile duct due to malignancy is possible. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) examination of the bile duct is performed through the duodenal wall and IDUS study is made by inserting the ultrasound mini-probe into the bile duct.Based on the TN(M) classification, 24 cases of extra hepatic bile duct malignancy were discussed. The diagnostic accuracy of EUS was 83%, and that of IDUS was 88%. Those results were superior to those of other imaging diagnostic tools such as US, CT, or angiography. Diagnosis of tumor expansion and bile duct malignancy is important in deciding on the correct choice of therapeutic techniques, with which can expand the quality of life for patients.