臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.8(4-2)

特集名 レーザー内視鏡の理論と実際 --21世紀消化器内視鏡学への提言
題名 不可視情報の画像化 --新しい内視鏡診断学の展望 (2) 内視鏡的蛍光診断
発刊年月 1999年 07月
著者 松井 裕史 筑波大学臨床医学系内科
著者 中原 朗 筑波大学臨床医学系内科
【 要旨 】 内視鏡による診断を客観的かつ鋭敏なものにするため,われわれはリアルタイム蛍光内視鏡装置(SEFAS)を開発した.現在までわれわれは,胃粘膜組織・細胞が酸化されることによって自家蛍光量を増加する現象について報告してきている.この研究では,急性胃粘膜病変の重要な原因の一つであるNSAIDs投与と胃粘膜自家蛍光の関係について検討した.この結果,NSAIDs投与によって自家蛍光量が増加し,その現象がSEFASによって早期から認識可能であった.以上から,SEFASによる蛍光観察は胃粘膜病変の早期診断に有用であることが示唆された.
Theme Laser Endoscopy in Theory and Practice --Perspective of GI Endoscopy in the 21st Century
Title Endoscopic Fluorescence Observation
Author Hirofumi Matsui Department of Internal Medicine, Tsukuba University
Author Akira Nakahara Department of Internal Medicine, Tsukuba University
[ Summary ] We previously reported that the gastric mucosa emit fluorescence of porphyrins at the onset of the gastric lesion induced by hemorrhagic shock.In this study, we have established a fluorescence observation system named a simultaneous fluorescence analyzing apparatus (SEFAS), and investigated that whether the fluorescence observation can help us for sensitive and objective diagnosis for acute gastric mucosal lesions. Inthe gastric mucosa treated with indomethacin,lesions generated and myeloperoxidase activity was increased. The indomethacin administration also increased thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, the index of tissue peroxidation. After the indomethacin treatment, the gastric mucosal fluorescence intensities elevated. HPLC analysis demonstrated that the fluorescent substances were mesoporphyrin and protoporphyrin which were the same as found in hemorrhagic shock. Pretreatment of the tissue with radical scavenging substances, catalase and troxipide restrained the increase of mucosal fluorescence intensity and tissue peroxidation. Fluorescence observation with SEFAS can help us for diagnosing tissue peroxidation formation sensitively and objectively. These findings indicate that NSAIDs treatment induced generation of porphyrins as well as tissue peroxidation in gastric mucosal tissue. Fluorescence observation with SEFAS is suggested to provide an objective detection for NSAIDs-induced gastric injury.