臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.6(3-2)

特集名 消化器疾患とNO
題名 NOの生理活性 (2) 発癌との関連
発刊年月 1999年 06月
著者 藤井 恒子 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科B1生体制御医学生化学
著者 藤井 順逸 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科B1生体制御医学生化学
【 要旨 】 一酸化窒素(NO)は生理的に重要な役割を担う一方,過剰なNO生成が各種病態の増悪因子として作用する.感染や炎症によって大量に産生されるNOは,N一ニトロソアミンによるDNAのアルキル化,DNA塩基の脱アミノ化や酸化,ニトロ化などの反応によってDNAに傷害を与え,発癌に関与している可能性がある.
Theme Gastrointestinal Diseases and NO
Title The Role of Nitric Oxide in Carcinogenesis
Author Tsuneko Fujii Department of Biochemistry, Osaka University Medical School
Author Junichi Fujii Department of Biochemistry, Osaka University Medical School
[ Summary ] Chronic inflammation and infection have long been known to be risk factors for cancer. We focusedon a hypothesis, explaining the role of infection in re]ation to cancer and reactive oxygenradical generation by phagocytic cells, exerting cytotoxicity and promoting mutagenesis. Nitric oxide (NO), a pleiotropic messenger molecule,playing key roles in many physiological and pathological processes, is overproduced under conditions associated with inflammation,infection,and other diseases. When present in high concentrations, NO and reactive nitrogen derivatives have cytotoxic and mutagenic effects. Nitrous anhydride (N203), an intermediate in the reaction of NO with molecular oxygen, damages DNA through DNA alkylation by N-nitroso-amines and DNA deamination. Peroxynitrite(ONOO-), an intermediate in the reaction of NO withO2, causes DNAoxidation and nitration. These reactions may be involved in the carcinogenic process, and NO may play an important role in multistage carcinogenesis.