臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.5(9)

特集名 超音波内視鏡の基本
題名 胆道疾患に対する超音波検査の基本
発刊年月 1999年 05月
著者 神津 照雄 千葉大学医学部光学医療診療部
【 要旨 】 今日,消化器疾患において超音波内視鏡はX線および内視鏡検査と同様の評価を受ける検査法に発展してきた.胆道疾患では体表からの超音波検査とは異なり消化管内腔から近接観察が可能となる超音波内視鏡が普及してきた.超音波内視鏡の描出できる領域は肝外胆管,胆嚢,乳頭部病変である.肝外胆管では腫瘍の浸潤の程度,結石の有無の詳細な診断,胆嚢疾患では隆起性病変の鑑別診断,胆石,胆泥の確定診断が可能である.乳頭部病変では乳頭部癌の深達度診断に超音波内視鏡の威力が発揮できる.
Theme Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Title Basics of EUS Examination for Biliary Diseases
Author Teruo Kouzu Department of Endoscopic Diagnostics and Therapeutics
[ Summary ] Recently, EUS has reached a level of diagnostic capability level comparable to that of radiography or endoscopy. In biliary tract disease, EUS achieves a higher level of resolution than abdominal ultrasonography because of its proximity to the lesion being examined. The areas in the biliary tree, accessible to EUS, include the extrahepatic ducts, the gallbladder, the bile duct and the ampulla. EUS has been shown to be highly accurate in staging gallbladder, bile duct and ampullary tumors. It can detect stones in the bile duct and differentiate stones from sludge in the gallbladder. EUS can also discriminate elevated lesions in the gallbladder. With linear or convex transducers, features such as color doppler imaging can be used to evaluate the vascular anatomy.