臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.5(5-2)

特集名 超音波内視鏡の基本
題名 胃疾患に対する超音波検査の基本 (2) 細径プローブによる
発刊年月 1999年 05月
著者 芳野 純治 藤田保健衛生大学第二病院内科
【 要旨 】 細径プローブは狭窄部の描出や通常の上部消化管内視鏡検査に引き続いて超音波検査ができる利点がある.とくに超音波内視鏡による描出が困難な幽門部近傍や湾隆部の病変の描出に有用である.また,従来では描出されている位置を正確に知ることが困難であった小病変や微細な病変では内視鏡下に振動子と病変との位置関係を観察し,描出位置を確認しながら超音波内視鏡が描出できる.また,細径プローブを応用した三次元超音波内視鏡が開発された.一方,管腔の広い胃では描出できる範囲が狭いため全体像を把握しにくいこと,同じ周波数の超音波内視鏡と比較すると解像度がやや劣ること,大きな病変の全体像が捉えにくいことなどの問題点がある.
Theme Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Title A Basis of Ultrasonographic Examination for Gastric Lesions by Miniature Probe
Author Junji Yoshino Department of Internal Medicine, Second Hospital, Fujita Health University Scool of Medicine
[ Summary ] It is possible to use a miniature probe continuously in ordinary endoscopy though a biopsy channel. It is useful for lesions with stenosis. This is especially lesions in the pre-pyloric area and he fornix, where it is difficult to store de-aerated water in the stomach are easily obtained with ultrasonic images. Ultrasonic images of minute or small relatively lesions were obtained more easily than with endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) because the sites of the lesions are confirmed by endoscopic observation. Then these lesions are thought to be suitable for the ultrasonographic examination using a miniature probe. Three-dimensional ultrasonic endoscopy (3D-EUS) using a miniature probe has been developed. It is thought that 3D-EUS will be widely used in the near future. On the other hand, a whole image of the stomach is not possible by using a miniature probe because the diameter of the stomach is too great. Images from miniature probes are not better than those from ordinary EUS having the same frequency, because the transducer of a miniature probe is smaller. Large lesions are difficult to observe in images by miniature probes.