臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.5(1)

特集名 超音波内視鏡の基本
題名 超音波内視鏡開発の歴史
発刊年月 1999年 05月
著者 福田 守道 札幌医科大学名誉教授/北海道消化器科病院内科顧問
【 要旨 】 腹部超音波診断法は,超音波反射波に基づく安全,経済的で迅速な画像診断法として急速に普及をみた.消化管の映像化には腸管内ガスによる干渉,解像度の限界などにより問題が多く,高い周波数の振動子を使用する体腔内走査法の出現が望まれてきた.歴史的に1957年米国のWild,Reidは直腸腔内での15MHzの高周波振動子による体腔内走査法を報告している.しかし消化管用ファイバースコープに超音波振動子を組み込み直接消化管壁を検索する超音波内視鏡の出現ははるかに遅れ,1970年代後半,日本と米国とでほぽ同時期に前者では円板式振動子を組み込み,超音波ミラーを回転させる,機械式radial scan,後者では電子リニア式配列型振動子を内視鏡に組み込んで使用する装置が出現した.超音波映像法と内視鏡技術を同一スコープで実現するには,高度の開発技術と専門的見識が必要であった.試作機の開発と,臨床治験を交錯させながらそれぞれ開発研究が推進され,今日に至ったが,この間診断法は逐次改善され,対象とする臓器はほぼ消化管全長が含まれ,病期については進行癌から開腹,開胸術などを行わずEMRで切除をほぼ完了できる早期の粘膜癌に至るまでになっている.
Theme Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Title Development of Endoscopic Ultrasonography
Author Morimichi Fukuda Sapporo Medical University Hospital
[ Summary ] Transabdominal sonography has well established as a safe, relatively inexpensive and quick imaging modality based on ultrasonic backscatter signals. To solve the problem of limited resolution of US in general, and for GI tract in paticular, direct scanning of the digestive tract, using higher frnquency transducers has been of major interest. The very first atempt at endoscanning was desribed by Wild and Reid in 1957. EUS, endoscopic ultrasonography, has been developed by combining US with a fiberendoscope. The first trials, both a Japan and the USA began in the late 70's, using the fixed ultrasonic prove with rotating ultrasonic mirror and linear array probes, resoectively. The fusion of different modalities, endoscope and US imaging, has lead to a single instrument, requiring highly specific skills and perspectives for its research and development. Repeated trial and error was inevitable before the modalitybecome clinically established.
During past two decades, the diagnostic indication has expanded to cover the entire length of the GI tract. The rang of applications broadened fron merely determing the stage of established malignancy in the GI tract to daiagnosing very early stage mucosal cancer, so small thet the EMR may be performed without laparotomy or open chest surgery. One can choose scanning modes from a choice of radial, convex array or miniprobe systems, and even 3D rendition has become available for lesion assessment. In spite of these swift advaces, the major application is the diagnosis of stage of malignant tumors and histological confirmation after biopsy is required for deep seated lesions.