臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.4(7)

特集名 NSAIDと消化管
題名 NSAIDと大腸癌
発刊年月 1999年 04月
著者 飯塚 文瑛 東京医科大学消化器内科
【 要旨 】 大腸腺腫や癒の化学予防に,20年来各種NSAIDsが用いられている.実験動物ではNSAIDsの有用性と機序が解明された.NSAIDsそれ自体には癌崩壊作用はなく,発化した大腸癌の治療薬にはなりえないが,前段階である大腸腺腫の発生や増大を抑制し,ACFを消失させた.疫学的にも大腸癌発生の相対的危険度が減少(O.7)している.臨床ではFAPの結腸切除後残存直腸の腺腫や,散在性腺腫にスリンダク内服やインドメタシン坐薬の連用が,腺腫の退縮や消失に有用であるが,投与中止で再発している.従来のNSASIDsではCOX-1関与の胃腸傷害が高頻度に起きるので,今後は選択的COX-2阻害薬(開発中)が期待される.
Theme NSAID and GI tract
Title NSAID Use and Colon Cancer, Adenomas
Author Bun-ei Iizuka Division of Internal Medicine, Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] These decades, there are many reports about chemoprevention for colorectal cancer, adenomas by various NSAIDs use. In animal models of colorectal carcinogenesis, the effects and potential mechanism of NSAIDs for prevention of colon cancerand regression of colon adenomas are analized.In epidemiclogic studies NSAIDs use significantly decreased relative risk of colorectal cancer(0.7). In clinical trials, regular intake of sulindac or regular use of indomethacin suppository regressed rectal adenomas in FAP patients after subtotal colectomy.There was no reduction of cancer risk for discontinuated use. NSAIDs may cause severe gastrointestinal complications, associated with inhibition of COX-1 enzyme. New class of NSAIDSthat is highly selective for inhibition of the COX-2 enzyme, and that lacks of inhibition of COX-1, is necessary forwidespread cancer prevention.