臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.4(5-2)

特集名 NSAIDと消化管
題名 粘膜傷害を減少させるNSAID (2) 選択的COX-2阻害薬
発刊年月 1999年 04月
著者 橋本 博史 順天堂大学医学部膠原病内科
【 要旨 】 従来用いられてきた非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAID)は,抗炎症作用のみならず胃腸傷害や腎機能障害などの副作用を併せもつ.その要因は,プロスタグランジン(PG)産生抑制作用で説明される.すなわち,炎症に関わるCOX-2を阻害するのみならず生体の恒常性維持に重要なCOX-1をも阻害することによる.近年,COX-2のみを選択的に阻害する薬剤の開発が進められている.それは,胃腸傷害を含む副作用を軽減し抗炎症効果を最大限発揮できる可能性を含んでいる.今後解決すべき問題も多いが,ここでは,選択的COX2阻害薬の意義,現在市販・開発されている薬剤,その作用機序,臨床的効果などについて述べた.
Theme NSAID and GI tract
Title New Compounds of Selective COX-2 Inhibition
Author Hiroshi Hashimoto Department of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, Juntendo University Scool of Medicine
[ Summary ] Nearly all available NSAIDs inhibit both COX-l and COX 2. Inhibition of the constitutive components of COX-1 is believedto be the primary cause of the many toxic effects associatedwith NSAIDs, especially gastroduodenal mucosal damage. On theother hand, inhibition of inducible COX-2 results in anti-inflammatory effectss without influencing COX-1 and its important homeostatic functions. Recently, new some compounds, which display selective COX-2 inhibition have been developed. The availability of agents in the new therapeutic class of selective COX-2 inhibitors promises to open a new era in the therapy of arthritis by offering potent antiillflammatory andanalgesic effects without potentially serious toxicities, associated with NSAIDs. In this paper, the mechanism and the clinical effects of selective COX-2, inhibition, and the points at issue, for which further studies would be required, were described.