臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.4(1)

特集名 NSAIDと消化管
題名 NSAID胃粘膜傷害の臨床
発刊年月 1999年 04月
著者 中村 孝司 帝京大学医学部第三内科
【 要旨 】 NSAID粘膜傷害の臨床について概説した.その頻度は報告によりまちまちであるが,潰瘍発生はNSAID投与例のlO~20%と思われ,重要な要因である.NSAID胃粘膜傷害については,日本リウマナ財団調査例と筆者らの施設における入院潰瘍例の比較検討から,長期投与慢性傷害と投与後早期に出現する急性傷害の二つのタイプがあり,それぞれに特徴があることが示された.すなわち前者は前庭部にびらんないし小潰瘍が多発するもので,発症機序は主として腸管で吸収されるNSAIDが血液を介して作用し,PGを減少させることにあり,したがってPG系抗潰瘍薬が有効となるのに対し,後者では胃体部に大きく深い潰瘍が生じ,機序としてNSAID吸収に胃局所の酸が関連していて,したがって酸抑制薬が有効となるという違いが示唆される.
Theme NSAID and GI tract
Title NSAID-associated Gastric Mucosal Injuries Their Clinical Problems
Author Takashi Nakamura First Department of Internal Medicine, Teikyo University Scool of Medicine
[ Summary ] This paper discussed the clinical problems of NSAID-associa-ted ulcers. Their rate of prevalence is suspected to be l0% to 20% in NSAID users. NSAID is an important factor for ulcer management. From the comparison of the report of Japan Rheu-matic Association to the number of ulcer cases admitted to the authors' hospital, we suggested that there are two typi-cal types of NSAID-associated ulcers, that is, those from ch-ronic injuries due to long-term administration and those from acute injuries occuring within a short period of the drug-use. The former injuries are multiple erosions or small ulse-rsin the antrum and occur due to a decrease of mucosal pro-staglandin by systemic delivery of absorbed NSAID from the intestine, and are relieved by prostaglandin administration but in the latter case injuries are large and deep ulcers inthe body and are associated with the role of gaastric acid in gastric absorption of NSAID, and are effectively treated with acid suppressants.