臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.2(2-2)

特集名 消化器癌の鏡視下治療
題名 腹腔鏡下治療:各論 (2) 胃癌
発刊年月 1999年 02月
著者 白石 憲男 大分医科大学第一外科
【 要旨 】 早期胃癌におけるリンパ節転移状況に関する知識の普及と腹腔鏡(補助)下手術の進歩に伴い,早期胃癌の治療法の1つとして腹腔鏡(補助)下手術が確立してきた.すなわち,リンパ節郭清を必要としない早期胃癌に対しては,腹腔鏡下胃内粘膜切除術(IGMR)や腹腔鏡下胃局所切除術(LWR)が病変の局在により選択される.またD1+αのリンパ節郭清が必要と思われる早期胃癌に対して,腹腔鏡補助下胃切除術を開発し施行してきた.腹腔鏡補助下胃切除術は,病変の局在により,幽門側胃切除術(LADG:Billroth-I法再建)と噴門側胃切除術(LAPG:細い胃管再建)の二つの術式を開発した.1991年より63例の早期胃癌に対し腹腔鏡(補助)下手術(IGMR:3,LWR:13,LADG:44,LAPG:3)を施行してきた.全例,再発を認めず除痛効果に優れ,早期社会復帰が可能であった.現在,このような早期胃癌に対する治療法の選択は,術前診断に基づくリンパ節転移予測によるものであり,今後ますます術前診断の有用性とリンパ節転移診断の重要性が考えられるようになると思われる.
Theme Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Therapy for Digestive Organ
Title Laparoscopic Surgery for Early Gastric Cancer
Author Norio Shiraishi First Department of Surgery, Oita Medical University
[ Summary ] Since 1991, sixty three patients with early-stage gastric cancer have been successfully treated using three different laparoscopic techniques. As the operation without lymph nodes dissection, laparoscopic wedge resection using lesion lifting method (LWR,n=13) and intragastric mucosal resection (IGMR, n=3) have performed according to the localization of the lesion. In the remaining 47 patients, we have designed and performed laparoscopy-assisted distal(LADG) or proximal (LAPG) gastrectomy with regional lymph nodes (D1+alpha) dissection. The indications for laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy (LAG) are as follows; 1) mucosal cancer>10mm in diameter or with ulcerated scars,when the lesion is depression type, 2) mucosal cancer>20mm in diameter, when lesion is protruded type, 3) submucosal cancer with slightly invasion. There was no complication except one case with pneumia after LAG. That patient had suffered from chronic bronchitis for the past 10 years. All patients who underwent LWR and IGMR were discharged within 5-8 days without a complication, and all patients performed LAG within 11-15 days. Histological examinations of resected specimens revealed that all surgeries were successful. In conclusion, laparoscopic surgery for early-stage gastric cancers is seen to be useful from the viewpoints of curability and minimal invasiveness.