臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.2(1)

特集名 消化器癌の鏡視下治療
題名 腹腔鏡下治療:総論 --腹腔鏡下治療の適応,成績と限界
発刊年月 1999年 02月
著者 山川 達郎 帝京大学医学部附属溝口病院外科
【 要旨 】 内視鏡下手術を癌症例に応用することに関しては一定の見解は得られていない.癌の創部着床は開腹,胸腔鏡下手術例にも認められており,port site recurrence(PSR)の原因をC02ガスの腫瘍増殖効果,気腹ガスのchimney effectのみに帰することはできないが,多数の研究からport siteが好発部位である事実と腫瘍組織に対する粗暴な操作が,その原因になっている可能性は否定できない.したがってPSRの予防には腫瘍外科の原点であるturnbullのno touch techniqueに心がけると同時に,担癌組織の回収にはプラスチックバッグを使用するなどの注意が必要である.今後,臨床例の集積といろいろな実験腫瘍を用いての研究がなされなければならない.
Theme Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Therapy for Digestive Organ
Title Laparoscopic Surgery for Carcinoma of Digestive Organ-Indication, Outcomes, Problems and its Future
Author Tatsuo Yamakawa Department of Surgery, University Hospital at Mizonokuchi Teikyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] With the advent of technologies and instrumentation. Laparoscopic surgery has become a common procedure for the surgical management of various diseases. However its use for management of carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract is still controversial, probably due to the problems inherent to this procedure such as technical limitation, port site recurrence and so on. Considering the data reviewed in this paper, however, it is safe to say that although the mechanism implicated in the implantation of tumors on the port sltes remain uncertain, but the extraction site appears to be a risk for abdominal metastases. Future research should focus on the role of tumor biology, local environment, alternative gases, gasless surgery and surgical skill in the prevention of port site recurrence.
On the other hand, it is also true that endoscopic surgery is a technique which should be placed at the site between endoscopic mucosal resection and radial open surgery, because of some of its technical limitations is lymphnodes dissection. Its indication should be also limited only for those patients with early stage carcinoma to make the incidence of incisional recurrence at a level comparable with that seen in open Surgery. Moreover, surgeons must be well versed in the fundamental technologies of laparoscopic cancer surgery.