臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.13(5)

特集名 消化器疾患と皮膚病変
題名 クローン病と皮膚病変
発刊年月 1999年 12月
著者 五十嵐 正広 北里大学東病院消化器内科
著者 勝又 伴栄 北里大学東病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 クローン病には腸管外合併症を伴うことが知られている.これまでクローン病163例を経験し皮膚病変につき検討した.皮膚病変の頻度は36.2%と高率でそのおもな疾患は,結節性紅斑8例(4.9%),座瘡性病変8例,アトピー性皮膚炎,脂漏性湿疹,バチ状指などであった.結節性紅斑は大腸に病変を伴う症例で女性に多く,痔瘻や口内炎を伴う頻度が高く,クローン病の病勢に一致して症状が推移していた.アフタ性口内炎は29.4%にみられ小腸に病変を有する例に多かった.痔瘻は大腸病変を有する例に多い.
Theme Gastrointestinal Tract Disease and Skin Manifestation
Title Dermatologic Manifestations of Crohn's Disease
Author Masahiro Igarashi Department of Internal Medicine, Kitasato University East Hospital
Author Tomoe Katsumata Department of Internal Medicine, Kitasato University East Hospital
[ Summary ] It is well known that extra-intestinal complications are highly frequent in Crohn's disease. The incidence and charactaristic features of dermatologic lesions were examined in 163 patients with Crohn's disease in our hospital. The main complications were skin, joint, psycotic and stone manifestations. The incidence of dermatologic lesions was 36.2% in Crohn's disease. The main incidence of lesions was caused by erythema nodosum (4.9%), acne, atopic dermatitis, seborrhaeic eczema, stick finger etc. The most frequently observed type of dermatologic lesions were erythema nodosum. There was a high percentage of female patients who displayed the associated symptoms of colonic involvement and apthous stomatitis and fister ani. There was also a high incidence of stomatitis (29.4%) associated with small-intestinal involvement with Crohn's disease. Anal lesions were also common in Crohn's disease.The dermatologic manifestations of Crohn's disease were varied and associated with the study of the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease.