臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.12(1-1)

特集名 薬物治療をめぐるControversy --上部消化管
題名 GERDの治療は (1) Step-down
発刊年月 1999年 11月
著者 黒澤 進 帝京大学医学部第三内科(市原病院内科)
【 要旨 】 GERDに対する内科的治療の柱であるPPIとH2-RAは治癒率に大きな差があるため,その戦略的な使用法が重要である.有効性のはるかに高いPPIを第一選択として使用し病勢の鎮静後にH2-RAに切り替えるstep-down therapyはH2-RAを第一選択とするstep-up therapyに比べ,症状が速く消失し,治癒が速く,結局はコストも安くなる優れた治療戦略である.step-down therapyはまた,PPI testとしてGERDの診断法にも応用でき,専門医でなくとも適切な治療が簡単に行える利点がある.さらに,炎症を早期に直すことで食道炎の難治化,合併症を防げる可能性もある.軽症のGERDでもPPIを必要とする症例が多いため重症度を問わずPPIを中心にしたstep-down therapyを行うべきである.
Theme Controversies in the Drug Therapy of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
Title Step-down Therapy-A Rational Medical Treatment Strategy for GERD
Author Susumu Kurosawa Third Department of Internal Medicine, Teikyo University School of Medicine, Ichihara Hospital
[ Summary ] Medical treatment strategies for GERD consist of two approaches. One is step-down therapy, which consists of using PPI as a drug of first choice, then stepping down to H2-RA if the symptoms resolve. Another is step-up therapy which uses H2-RA as a first drug of choice and stepping up to PPI if the symptoms are not resoived. Step-down therapy has the merits of faster symptom relief, faster healing and over all costs less. Faster healing might prevent further deterioration and complications from GERD. Because frequent endoscopy is not needed, step-down therapy is a more easily implemented strategy than step-up therapy. Moreover, even patients with the mild forms of GERD often require PPI, so that, step-down therapy, that is PPI-based medical treatment, is indicated irrespective of the severity of the GERD.