臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.11(2-5)

特集名 虫垂疾患とその周辺
題名 虫垂疾患の各論 (5) 虫垂mucoceleとpseudomyxoma peritonei
発刊年月 1999年 10月
著者 砂川 正勝 獨協医科大学第一外科
【 要旨 】 虫垂mucoceleとは虫垂内腔に粘液が貯留し,嚢胞状に腫大した状態の臨床的呼称である.病理学的には,(1)simple(obstructive)mucocele,(2)mucinous cystadenoma,(3)mucinous cystadenocarcinomaに分類されるが,特異的臨床症状に乏しい.画像診断が有用であり,注腸造影や内視鏡検査では粘膜下腫瘍様所見を呈し,CT,US,MR等で粘液を多量に含む嚢腫として認められる.腹膜偽粘液腫(pseudomyxomaperitonei)は腹腔内に多量のゼラチン様物質が充満した状態で,多くは虫垂mucinous cystade nocarcinomaの腹膜転移である.病態の特徴として晩期再発が多く,長期予後は不良である.外科的治療と化学療法,粘液除去療法を併用することが重要である.
Theme Disease of Appendix and its Allied Condition
Title Appendiceal Mucocele and Pseudomyxoma Peritonei
Author Masakatsu Sunagawa First Department of Surgery, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In the appendiceal mucocele condition the lumen is dilated and contains larger amounts of glairy mucus. The histological patterns are simple(obstructive) mucocele, mucinous cystadenoma and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Preoperative diagnosisof mucocele is rare. Though there are no typical clinical findings, X-P, CF, CT and US are useful methods in diagnosing mucocele. With barium enemas, the lesion may be seen as a sharply outlined submucosal tumor. With CT and US examinations, the mucocele usually appears as a well-encapsulated cystic mass, with a density ranging from nearly that of water to that of soft tissue. When a malignant mucocele ruptures into the abdomen, mucus-secreting malignant cells are shed into the peritoneal cavity. This gives rise to the condition known as pseudomyxoma peritonei. It is thought to be related to metastasis of cystadenocarcinoma of the appendix. The long-term prognosis for the patient is poor. Combined therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy and mucolytic therapy are recommended.