臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.11(2-2)

特集名 虫垂疾患とその周辺
題名 虫垂疾患の各論 (2) 特殊な虫垂炎の診断と治療 a.高齢者の虫垂炎
発刊年月 1999年 10月
著者 黒岩 厚二郎 東京都老人医療センター外科
【 要旨 】 高齢者の急性虫垂炎の臨床所見と治療について,自験例を中心に検討した.腹痛は上腹部から右下腹部へ限局する場合と,下腹部痛で発症する場合がほぼ同数であった.消化器症状は高頻度にみられるが,食欲不振,腹部膨満感などのはっきりしない愁訴も多かった.高度の白血球増多(15,000/μl以上),発熱(38℃以上)などがある場合は,進行した虫垂炎の可能性が高いが,穿孔を起こしてもこれらの反応が弱い例があり,また筋性防御の出現率も低いため注意を要する.所見が不明確な場合には,超音波検査,CTなどの画像診断が重要である.また保存的治療開始後早期に所見の改善が得られない場合には,早めに手術を考慮すべきである.
Theme Disease of Appendix and its Allied Condition
Title Acute Appendicitis in the Elderly
Author Kojiro Kuroiwa Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital
[ Summary ] Thirty-nine patients aged 70 years or older treated for acute appendicitis during the past ten years were reviewed. The chief complaint in 37 patients was pain.Half of them initially had epigastric or periumbilical pain, which shifted to the right lower quadrant. Gastrointestinal tract symptoms were common and variable. Physical examination revealed right lower quadrant tenderness in all patients, rebound tenderness in 82 percent and muscle rigidity in 41 percent. Twenty seven patients underwent appendectomies and 12 were managed successfully through non-surgical treatment. The incidence of perforation was 52 percent. Although a fever higher than 38 degrees centigrade or a white blood cell count greater than 15,00O/micro l indicated gangrenous or perforated appendicitis, these were variable even in patients with perforated appendicitis. Ultrasound and CT examination are useful to confirm the diagnosis when the symptoms and physical findings are mild or atypical. Early diagnosis and surgery are important principles in treating elderly patients with acute appendicitis. In cases of conservative treatment, surgical treatment should be considered for those patients who fail to improve within one day.