臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.10(5)

特集名 B型肝炎 --最近の知見
題名 Precore, Core Promotorの変異と肝炎重症度
発刊年月 1999年 09月
著者 八橋 弘 国立長崎中央病院臨床研究部
【 要旨 】 劇症肝炎は救命率の低い難治性の肝疾患で,その発生機序は従来,宿主の過剰な免疫応答と考えられてきたが,最近,B型急性肝炎の劇症化,重症化が,HBV-DNA変異と密接に関係していることが明らかとなった.HBV-DNA precoreないしcore promoter領域の遺伝子変異は,劇症肝炎でほぼ100%,重症型で約50%,通常型では約10%に検出される.簡便なHBV-DNA変異株の検出方法,変異株による劇症化の理由,その検出による重症度予知,臨床応用について紹介した.
Theme Hepatitis B-Current Topics
Title Mutation in the Precore and Core Promoter Region of HBV-DNA and Severity of Acute Hepatitis B
Author Hiroshi Yatsuhashi Institute for Clinical Research, Nagasaki Chuo National Hospital
[ Summary ] It has recently been reported that mutations in the core promoter and precore gene of HBV are associated with fulminant hepatitis. We invesigated that the association of mutations in the core promoter and precore gene of HBV with fulminant and acute hepatitis, using Enzyme linked Mini-sequence Assays (ELMA). We studied patients with acute HBV infections, including 7 patients with fulminant hepatitis, 12 with acute hepatitis, 41 with acute self limited hepatitis. There were significant differences in the incidence of mutation in the precore or core promoter regions between fulminant hepatitis and self-limited acute hepatitis(7/7:100% vs 4/41:9.8%, p<0.01) and between severe acute hepatitis and self-limited acute hepatitis (6/12:50.0% vs 4141:9.8%, p<0.01). An apparent increase in mutation rate was observed, corresponding to the increase in of patients with acute HBV infection. In Japan, fulminant hepatitis B is closely associated with mutations in the core promoter and procore gene of HBV. ELMA for HBV precore and core promoter analysis might be used to predict the outcome of liver disease in patients with acute HBV infection.