臨牀消化器内科 Vol.14 No.10(1)

特集名 B型肝炎 --最近の知見
題名 非ABCDE型肝炎におけるHBVの関与
発刊年月 1999年 09月
著者 加藤 有史 長崎大学医学部第一内科
著者 中田 恵輔 長崎大学医学部第一内科
著者 荒川 泰行 日本大学医学部第三内科学教室
【 要旨 】 HBs抗原キャリアは,肝病変が軽微である例が大部分を占める集団において,HBs抗原の消失率は0.3~0.8%/年である.これはウイルス量が減少するためであり,キャリアの年齢に大きく依存している.このキャリア集団においても肝癌合併がしばしばみられており,さらに肝疾患による死亡者は全体の半数近くに達している.またHBs抗原消失者においてはウイルスはなお存在し肝硬変,肝癌を合併する例があることが報告されている.さらに最近は,肝移植ドナーとしての問題も提議されている.以上より,肝病変が落ち着いたHBs抗原キャリアであってもなお十分な注意が必要であると思われる.HBs抗原の陽性は従来HBV-DNAの存在を意味してきたが,近年,HBV関連マーカーが陰性であるにもかかわらず,さまざまな病態で血清中または肝内でHBV-DNAが検出されたとする報告が相次いでいる.とくにHBc抗体が低力価で陽性のドナーの肝臓を移植されたレシピエントにHBV感染症を生じたことが報告されて以来,マーカー陰性のHBV感染症が注目されるようになってきた.筆者らの研究でも非ABCDE型肝炎とされていたさまざまな病態でHBV-DNAが検出された.これらはPCR法にて検出されたものであるが,その病原性,存在様式,感染性についてはまだ十分明らかではない.今後,発癌性を含めてその長期的な経過ついては検討が必要と思われる.
Theme Hepatitis B-Current Topics
Title Involvement of Hepatitis B Virus in the Development of non-A to E Hepatitis
Author Yuji Kato The First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Author Keisuke Nakata The First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Author Yasuyuki Arakawa Third Department of Internal Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] About 1O% of chronic hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers have complications of chronic hepatitis. Some of them then show symptoms of progressive liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Most of HBsAg carriers in blood donors, or the general population, have mild liver disease. In this paper, we report on the natural history of HBsAg carriers in such groups. The annual clearance rate of HBsAg in chronic HBsAg carriers, whose liver damage was mild, was 0.3 to 0.8%. This phenomenon depends on the age of the HBsAg carriers and it is due to the decrease in number viruses in their serum or liver. The majority of HBsAg carriers, have mild liver disease activity, and also develop liver cirrhosis or HCC. About half of them died of HBV-related liver diseases. With HBsAg cleared patients, some had persistent hepatitis B viremia and also developed liver cirrhosis or HCC. Moreover, recent studies have reported posttransplantation hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections occurring in recipients of donors who were infected HBV. In conclusion, though incidence of liver disease was low we should be careful about adverse complications with chronic HBsAg carriers.F-,G-, and TT-type viruses have been proposed as causes of hepatitis of the non-A to E varities. However, there have been no reports that support the involvement of F-type virus in the development of non-A to E hepatitis, G- and TT-type viruses have been detected in healthy subjects. As a result, these viruses are not candidates for the pathogens of non-A to E hepatitis. However, various new findings on the hepatitis B virus (HBV) have been reported which may change our view of this virus. One such finding is the detection of HBV-DNA in the liver and serum of subjects who are negative for hepatitis B surface (HBs) antigens. The second finding is the development of hepatitis in patients who had received a liver transplant from a donor who was negative for HBS antigen and positive for hepatitis B core (HBc) antibodies. Attention has been paid to the involvement of HBV being negative for virus markers to non-A to E hepatitis, in the development of non-A to E hepatitis. We studied the prevalence of HBV-DNA in various types of liver disease, and found that HBV-DNA was present in the following diseases (positive cases/total number of cases) : acute hepatitis(6/17, 35%), chronic hepatitis (0/4, O%), fulminant hepatitis (3/4, 75%), Iiver cirrhosis(1/12, 8%). Many characteristics of HBV-DNA including its state in the organs, infectivity, pathogenicity, and carcinogenicity, have not been elucidated and further studies are necessary.