臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.8(7)

特集名 安全な内視鏡的粘膜切除術
題名 拡大斜径フードによる切除(広口斜め爪付き型透明キャップ)
発刊年月 1998年 07月
著者 永尾 重昭 防衛医科大学校第二内科
【 要旨 】 EMRC(endoscopic mucosal resection using a cap-fitted panendoscope)法は,井上らが開発した,透明プラスチックキャップを内視鏡先端に装着した,早期胃癌,食道癌に対する内視鏡的粘膜切除術である.多くのバリエーションの透明プラスチックキャップがあり,そのなかでも,広口斜め爪付き型キャップは,胃内での部位制限がなく,安全でかつ,十分な大きさのEMRを,特別なスコープなどを必要とせず行いうる器材である.病変の大きさなどEMRの適応を守り,十分量の局注を行い,内視鏡的止血術,縫合術に熟練していれば,安全でかつ,侵襲が少なく,コスト的にも安く,胃癌根治術の一翼を担う重要な位置を,今後さらに占めることと考える.
Theme Safety Procedures in Endoscopic Mucosectomy
Title Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Using a Cap-fitted Panendoscope (Wide Type Oblique Cap)
Author Shigeaki Nagao 2nd Internal Medicine, National Defence Medical College
[ Summary ] Endoscopic mucosal resection with a cap-fitted panendoscope(EMR) has been developed by Inoue et al. It is an endoscopic therapeutic method for the intramucosal early gastric, esophageal cancers and early colorectal cancer. Various types of transparent plastic hood for this method have been used commercially. Among these a large mouth hood with an oblique-cut-end and an inside gutter for a snaring-wire is recognized as the best for use on lesions all the stomach sites. It provides a safe procedure and is large enough for gastric mucosa, without any special endoscopic tools. As long as proper procedures are followed for EMR, i.e.(the location of the lesion, the pathological limitations. The local injection of a high enough volume of saline, knowledge of the endoscopic hemostasis and suture) it is a safe, less invasive and cost beneficial method, EMRC will play a more important role in curative operations for gastric cancers.