臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.8(6)

特集名 安全な内視鏡的粘膜切除術
題名 EAM法(吸引粘膜切除法)
発刊年月 1998年 07月
著者 鳥居 惠雄 京都桂病院消化器センター
【 要旨 】 内視鏡的吸引粘膜切除法(endoscopic aspiration mucosectomy;EAM)における使用器具,手技の詳細ならびに安全性につき解説した.EAM法では,まずタブルオーバーチューブを挿入・留置し,通常内視鏡にてマーキング・局注後に,超音波プローブを用いて粘膜下層剥離を確認する.ここで,スネアカイドチューブ一体型先端透明フード装着内視鏡に入れ替え,病変を照準・吸引し,フードの外側よりこれを絞掘,通電・切除する.2大合併症は出血と穿孔である出血予防には粘膜保護剤の多量投与が有用であり,穿孔は超音波プローブによる粘膜下層剥離確認により確実に予防可能である.
Theme Safety Procedures in Endoscopic Mucosectomy
Title Endoscopic Aspiration Mucosectomy
Author Ayao Torii Abdominal Center, Kyoto Katsura Hospital
[ Summary ] Devices,methods and safety of endoscopically aspirated mucosectomy were described. The method is as follows. First an ordinary videoendoscope with a double overtube is introduced into the stomach and the overtube introduced into the esophagus along the endoscope. The endoscope with the inner tube is pulled out and the endoscope introduced again through the outer tube. After marking around the lesion and submucosal injection, separation of the lesion from the muscularis propria is confirmed endosonographically using the miniature probe. Then the endoscope equipped with a hood attached to the snare-introducer is introduced. The lesion is suctioned into the hood and snared. Finally the lesion is removed by electocautery. Two major complications of endoscopic aspiration mucosectomy are bleeding and perforation. Bleeding at time of resection can be arrested by endoscopic clipping and that occuring after the procedure can be prevented by administration of a large dose of mucosa-protective agents. Perforation can be avoided by confirmation of appropriate submucosal injection using the ultrasonic probe.