臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.6(4-2)

特集名 消化器の前癌病変
題名 肝蔵の前癌病変 (2) 腺腫様過形成
発刊年月 1998年 06月
著者 神代 正道 久留米大学医学部病理学
【 要旨 】 肝癌の早期診断が可能になるに伴い,肝硬変にみられる腺腫様過形成が前癌病変として示唆されるようになった.その理由として,腺腫様過形成のなかには細胞密度の増大が強く高分化型肝癌との鑑別が困難な異型腺腫様過形成と呼ばれるもの,結節内に明らかな高分化癌巣を内包するものなどが存在することが挙げられる.このうち前者は境界病変に相当するが,後者の多くは結節全体を一元的に高分化癌とみなすべきかもしれない.また,腺腫様過形成と診断された結節で脂肪化を伴うものは,脂肪化を伴う高分化型肝癌との鑑別が困難で,臨床的には悪性に準じた対応が必要であろう.
Theme Precancerous Lesions in the Digestive System
Title Adenomatous Hyperplasia
Author Masamichi Kojiro First Department of Pathology, Kurume University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Along with remarkable advances in the early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), it has been suggested that adenomatous hyperplasia seen in liver cirrhosis is a potentially premalignant lesion of HCC. The presence of atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, which is characterized by an equivocal increase in cellularity with increased irregularityof the cord structure and adenomatous hyperplasia containing the foci of well-differentiated HCC supports the above presumption. Although atypical adenomatous hyperplasia could be regarded as a borderline lesion, many adenomatous hyperplasias containing cancerous foci might be interpreted as well-differentiated HCC overall. In addition, most adenomatous hyperplasias with fatty change are difficult to differentiate from well-differentiated HCC with fatty change and they should be treated as a malignant lesion clinically.