臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.6(1-2)

特集名 消化器の前癌病変
題名 食道の前癌病変 (2) アカラシア,腐食性食道炎
発刊年月 1998年 06月
著者 羽生 信義 東京慈恵会医科大学外科
著者 青木 照明 東京慈恵会医科大学外科
【 要旨 】 アカラシア,腐食性食道炎に合併する食道癌は,通常の食道癌症例に比べ若年化,男女比の均一化の傾向が認められる発癌頻度はさまざまな報告がみられるが,おもにアカラシアではおよそ1~7%,腐食性食道炎ではおよそ2~10%と報告される以上よりこれらの疾患は食道の前癌病変と考えられ,それぞれの疾患の発症後は定期的な経過観察が癌の早期発見に貢献し,予後の改善に役立つと考えられる.しかし,癌の発生までの病悩期間はアカラシアで約20~30年,腐食性食道炎で約30~50年と長期であり,これらの疾患が前癌病変であるとする患者指導,経過観察を行う医師の注意深い管理が必要である.
Theme Precancerous Lesions in the Digestive System
Title Premalignant Esophageal Lesions : Achalasia, Corrosive Burn of the Esophagus
Author Nobuyoshi Hanyu Department of Surgery, Jikei Urdversity School of Medicine
Author Teruaki Aoki Department of Surgery, Jikei Urdversity School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Esophageal cancer as a complication of achalasia and corrosive burn of the esophagus tends to develop in younger patients, and at a more uniform male to female ratio than in ordinary esophageal cancer cases. There have been various reports on the incidence of carcinoma, i.e. that approximate1y 1 to 7% of patients with achalasia and approximate1y 2 to 10% of those with corrosiveburn of the esophagus, develop malignancy. These finding suggest that both diseases are premalignant esophageal lesions. After these diseases have developed, Periodic surveil1ance of their progress contributes to early discovery of cancer and improves the prognosis. However, it takes 20 to 30 years for acha1asia, and 30 to 50 years for corrosive burn of the esophagus, to evolve into cancer. Therefore, physicians need to educate their patients that regarding the premalignant nature of these 1esions. In addition, physicians who observe the progress of these diseases must survey the lesions carefully.