臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.5(4-1)

特集名 慢性膵炎 --新しい診断基準をめぐって
題名 新しい暮準の適応に必要な検査 (1) 腹部超音波検査
発刊年月 1998年 05月
著者 長島 郁雄 帝京大学医学部第二外科
【 要旨 】 慢性膵炎の診断基準が改訂され,超音波検査に関しても若干の変更があった.それらを要約すると,確診所見として膵石の存在,準確診所見としての膜内粗大高エコー,膵管の不整拡張,膵辺縁の不規則な凹凸を伴う変形,疑診所見としての膵嚢胞,膵腫瘤ないし腫大,膵管拡張が呈示された.今回は慢性膵炎症例の超音波画像を具体的に呈示しながら,それら慢性膵炎診断基準を解説した.
Theme New Criteria of Chronic Pancreatitis
Title Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis
Author Ikuo Nagashima The Second Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The diagnostic criteria for chronic pancreatitis has changed, Ultrasonography for this purpose has also changed somewhat. The findings which follow were determined in relationship to chronic pancreatitis : 1) pancreatic stones as a found in definitive chronic pancreatitis, and, 2) a hyperechoic noudle in the pancreas, 3) the rough, dilated pancreatic duct or deformity of the pancreas with a rough surface as in probable chronic pancreatitis, and pancreatic cysts, 4) pancreatic tumors or swelling, or a smoothly dilated pancreatic duct as in suspected chronic pancreatitis. In the present study, we explained these fingings, showing the photographies of the pancreas of patients with chronic pancreatitis.