[ Summary ] |
A new diagnostic criterion for chronic pancreatitis, proposed by the Japan Pancreas Society in 1995, was reviewed, in comparison with the previous criteria proposed by the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology in 1983. The concept of the new criterion is "simplification and international consensus", so that diagnostic findings of imaging modalities such as ultrasound, computed tomography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography or functional tests including the secretin and bentiromide tests, have been simplified and streamlined. In addition, the new criterion proposes that chronic pancreatitis is classified into two types : definite and probable pancreatitis. The definte pancreatitis includes the majority of calcifying or advanced pancreatitis, while probable pancreatitis means mild or moderate stage. We hope that this new criterion will become a world-wide standard diagnostic criterion for chronic pancreatitis. |