臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.4(5)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --食道
題名 食道webとSchatzki輪
発刊年月 1998年 04月
著者 草刈 幸次 聖マリアンナ医科大学第一内科
【 要旨 】 嚥下困難をきたす食道疾患のなかに,まれではあるが食道webとSchatzki輪がある.Plummer-Vinson syndromeで知られる食道上部のwebは有名であるが,食道造影でみられるwebを内視鏡で確認する機会は少ない.
一方,Schatzki輪も本邦ではまれではあるが,sliding herniaに伴う特徴がある.
食道上部の食道webは癌の発生や合併に,また下部ringはsliding herniaとの関連において興味あり,さらなる検討が必要である.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know -- Esophagus
Title Esophageal Web and Schatzki's Ring
Author Koji Kusakari First Department of Internal Medicine, St.Marianna University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The esophageal web and Schatzki's ring are rare among patients with dysphagia disease.
The esophageal web at the anterior wall of the cervical portion, which is often accompanied with Plummer-Vinson syndrome, is easy to find by esophagogram, but it's quite difficult to identify the web by endoscopy.
Schatzki's ring is characterized by association with a sliding hernia, but the frequency of Schatzki's ring is also quite low in Japan.
The esophageal web in the upper portion is thought to be an underlying disease factor for cancer and that in the lower portion is related to a sliding hernia in the genesis of the ring in this portion.
One interesting case of the esophageal web being associated with esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis was presented.