臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.4(2)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --食道
題名 Hypertensive Lower Esophageal Sphincter
発刊年月 1998年 04月
著者 久我 武広 大阪市立大学医学部第三内科
著者 荒川 哲男 大阪市立大学医学部第三内科
【 要旨 】 食道のおもな運動機能は,蠕動による摂取した食物の胃への移送と,下部食道括約筋による胃内容物の逆流防止であり,これらの運動機能に障害が起こると嚥下障害,胸痛などの臨床症状が出現し,食道運動機能異常といわれる疾患群を引き起こす."hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter"(HLES)もその一つであるが,本邦においてはあまり知られていない概念である.
HLESは,嚥下障害や胸痛を訴えて食道内圧測定を受けた患者の 0.8~8.8%に認められる比較的まれな食道運動機能異常であるが,診断は,おもに食道内圧測定(manometry)で行われ,(1)非刺激時のLES圧が45mmHg以上であること,(2)LESの弛緩が十分にみられること,(3)正常な蠕動運動があること,とされている.アカラシアでは,食道中部の蠕動運動の欠如と嚥下時のLESの弛緩異常があるため鑑別可能である.治療に関しては,現在のところ,確立されたものがないのが現状であるが,内服治療で,硝酸塩剤,抗コリン剤,Ca拮抗剤(nifedipineなど)等の平滑筋弛緩薬やH2受容体拮抗剤,制酸剤が試みられ,自覚症状の改善に有効であったとする報告がある.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know -- Esophagus
Title Hypertensive Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Author Takehiro Kuga Third Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
Author Tetsuo Arakawa Third Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
[ Summary ] The main moving function of the esophagus is to transfer ingested food to the stomach by peristalsis and to prevent retrograde flow of stomach contents by the activity of the lower sphincter. Disorder of this motion causes clinical symptoms such as dysphagia and chest pain, and induces the abnormal esophageal motion syndromes. "Hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter" (HLES) is one of them, but this concept is not widely accepted in Japan.
HLES is a relatively rare abnormal esophageal motion accounting for 0.8 to 8.8% of patients who complain of dysphagia or chest pain, who underwent manometry for intra-esophageal pressure. Diagnosis of HLES is performed based mainly on manometry of intra-esophageal pressure ; the conditions are 1) LES pressure under no stimulation is more than 45mmHg, 2) sufficient relaxation of LES is seen and 3) normal peristalsis is observed. Achalasia can be distinguished from HLES because of peristalsis deficiency in the middle part of the esophagus and abnormal relaxation of LES at the time of swallowing.
Regarding the treatment of HLES, no established methods are available at present, but oral administration of nitrate drugs, anti-choline drugs, smooth-muscle relaxants such as Ca-antagonists (nifedipine, etc.), H2-receptor antagonists and antacid have been tested, with improvement of subjective symptoms.
Since the etiology of HLES has not yet been elucidated, and moreover, complications by other abnormal esophageal motion is found often, some researchers do not regard HLES as an independent category. Future, pathophysiological clarification of HLES appears to be important.