臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.3(3)

特集名 悪性リンパ腫
題名 胃悪性リンパ腫の内視鏡診断
発刊年月 1998年 03月
著者 赤松 泰次 信州大学医学部附属病院光学医療診療部
【 要旨 】 胃原発性悪性リンパ腫の内視鏡所見の特徴を,藤野の肉眼分類に従って,(1)表層型,(2)隆起型,(3)潰瘍型,(4)びまん浸潤型の4型に分けて提示した.表層型は胃炎や早期胃癌との鑑別が重要で,とくに胃炎類似型の病変を見逃さないことが大切である.一方,それ以外の隆起型,潰瘍型,びまん浸潤型は粘膜下腫瘍(リンパ腫以外の肉腫)や進行胃癌との鑑別が問題となるが,悪性腫瘍の診断は容易である.悪性リンパ腫が疑われる場合には,適切な病変部位から生検して依頼書にその旨を明記し,通常の鉗子生検で良悪性の鑑別が困難な場合には,内視鏡的粘膜切除による大きな標本での検討や遺伝子診断が有用である.
Theme Malignant Lymphoma of the GI Tract
Title Endoscopic Findings and Features of Primary Gastric Lymphoma
Author Taiji Akamatsu Department of Endoscopy, Shinshu University Hospital
[ Summary ] Endoscopic findings and features of primary gastric lymphoma (PGL) were categorized according to Fujino's macroscopic classification of PGL, namely l) superficial type, 2) protruding type, 3) ulcerative type, and 4) diffuse infiltrating type. It is necessary to distinguish the superficial type of PGL from gastritis and early gastric cancer, we should especially take care not to overlook this type which is similar to gastritis. On the other hand, it is necessary to differentiate protruding type, ulcerative type, and diffuse infiltrating type of PGL from submucosal tumor and advanced gastric cancer. However, it is usually easy to diagnose these types of PGL as malignant tumors. When we suspect PGL from endoscopic findings, we should take a biopsy from an appropriate point and report these observations clearly to a pathologist. In the case of difficulty distinguishing between malignant lymphoma and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia by conventional biopsy, jumbo biopsy using endoscopic mucosal resection and molecular biological techniques with polymerase chain reaction would be useful procedures for making the differential diagnosis.