臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.3(2)

特集名 悪性リンパ腫
題名 臨床病理学的にみた消化管悪性リンパ腫
発刊年月 1998年 03月
著者 山本 智理子 (財)癌研究会癌研究所病理部
著者 加藤 洋 (財)癌研究会癌研究所病理部
【 要旨 】 食道悪性リンパ腫はまれで,免疫不全状態に伴う症例の報告が増えている.胃悪性リンパ腫は,平均年齢は50歳代後半,肉眼型は表層型,潰瘍型,隆起型,決潰型,巨大皺襞型に分けられ,大半がnon-Hodgkinリンパ腫,びまん性,大細胞型,B細胞性である.
Theme Malignant Lymphoma of the GI Tract
Title Clinicopathology of Primary Malignant Lymphoma of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Author Noriko Yamamoto Department of Pathology, Cancer Institute
Author Yo Kato Department of Pathology, Cancer Institute
[ Summary ] The vast majority of tumors arising in the gastrointestinal tract are carcinomas. However, the stomach is one of the common sites of extra-nodal lymphoma. Esophageal and intestinal lymphomas are rare. In the case of gastric malignant lymphoma, the average age was pointed to be the late fifties and the five-year survival rate was 60 to 80%. In the case of the large intestine, the average age was also 50 to 60 years, and the five-year survival rate was 41.6%. According to the LSG classification, the majority of primary malignant lyrnphomas of the gastrointestinal tract are the diffuse large cell type.