臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.2(6-2)

特集名 原発性硬化性胆管炎(PSC)
題名 PSCの画像診断 (2) 超音波を中心に
発刊年月 1998年 02月
著者 露口 利夫 千葉大学医学部第一内科
著者 税所 宏光 千葉大学医学部第一内科
【 要旨 】 PSCの初期には軽度の肝機能障害のみを呈し,症状に乏しいことがある.体外式超音波検査はPSCのスクリーニングに有用である.とくに,肝外胆管の壁肥厚像は重要な所見である.
Theme Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Title Ultrasonographic Findings in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Author Toshio Tsuyuguchi First Department of Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
Author Hiromitsu Saisho First Department of Medicine, Chiba University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare disease of unknown origin that involves the intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary system or both. Most early stage patients are asymptomatic and present only with raised liver enzymes. Sonography is less invasive and is useful for detecting PSC. It shows mural thickening of the common bile duct. Recently, intraductal ultrasonography (IDUS) with catheter based ultrasound probes has become available. It shows high-resolution images of the bile duct and surrounding structures. Thickening of the inner low echoic layer of the bile duct wall was seen not only at the stricture site but also at non-stricture sites with PSC. However, IDUS cannot distinguish between benign and malignant strictures. If the tumor invades neighboring organs, such as the pancreas, a diagnosis of malignant strictures may be made with confidence. Further studies and improvement in catheter design are required.