臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.13(6)

特集名 消化管治療薬の使い方 --その根拠と問題点
題名 防御因子増強薬(粘膜保護薬を含む)
発刊年月 1998年 12月
著者 若林 貴夫 藤田保健衛生大学第二病院内科
著者 中澤 三郎 藤田保健衛生大学第二病院内科
【 要旨 】 臨床の場で用いられている防御因子増強薬といわれるものの種類はきわめて多い.また,消化性潰瘍の治療において,それらの多くは単剤では十分に臨床的効果を得ることができないため,酸分泌抑制薬との併用で用いられる.このような特徴をもつ薬剤はきわめて特殊であり,捉えどころのない薬剤といえるのかもしれない.本稿ではおもに,代表的な防御因子増強薬の特徴や使用上の注意点について説明した.
Theme Direction of the Prescription for Gastrointestinal Tract
Title Mucosal Protective Agent
Author Takao Wakabayashi Department of Internal Medicine, Second Teaching Hospital, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
Author Saburo Nakazawa Department of Internal Medicine, Second Teaching Hospital, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In Japan, the patients with peptic ulcers have been treated with many kinds of drugs, known as mucosal protective agents, including acid inhibitor. Mucosal protective agents do not have a great effect on healing of ulcers. Therefore, many of them are usually administrated along with H2 receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors, in all but a few cases. Although it is thought that mucosal protective agents play some characteristic roles in the healing of ulcers, those detailed mechanism and clinical effects are not completely understood. The efficacy and administration of the drugs primarily used as mucosal protective agents were discussed in this chapter.