臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.13(12)

特集名 消化管治療薬の使い方 --その根拠と問題点
題名 消化酵素薬
発刊年月 1998年 12月
著者 平川 和也 島根県成人病予防センター
【 要旨 】 消化酵素薬の目的は消化機能の低下を補い,それに起因する種々の障害を改善することである.消化酵素薬の使用頻度は高いが,その補助的投与を必要とする疾患は限られており,そのもっとも代表的なものは慢性膵炎である.慢性膵炎非代償期にはリパーゼの分泌低下が著明で,脂肪の消化吸収障害を生じるため,リパーゼを主体とする膵酵素薬の大量投与が必要となる.補助的投与法とは別に,慢性膵炎の疼痛緩和を目的として膵酵素薬が使用されることもある.これは十二指腸内プロテアーゼ活性の増加が膵外分泌量を低下させるというluminal feedback regulationの存在に基づくものであり,トリプシンを主体とした膵酵素薬の大量投与は膵外分泌を抑制し,疼痛の要因の一つとされる膵管内圧先進を軽減する.
Theme Direction of the Prescription for Gastrointestinal Tract
Title Digestive Enzyme Preparation
Author Kazuya Hirakawa Shimane Health Screening Center for Adults
[ Summary ] The aim of administrating a digestive enzyme preparation is to supplement the decreased production of endogeneous digestive enzymes in patients with dyspeptic conditions. It is thought to improve various disorders contribute to dyspepsia. Diseases that need supplementary therapy with digestive enzymes are limited, although these preparations have been widely prescribed. Chronic pancreatitis is one disease in which these kinds of drugs may be used. In the advanced stages of this disease, the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, especially lipase decreases significantly. Consequently, large doses of oral pancreatic enzyme preparations, including lipase, are necessary for the improvement of fat digestion. In addition, supplementary therapy with a pancreatic enzyme preparation is used for pain relief in patients with chronic pancreatitis. This treatment is based on the presence of a luminal feedback regulation mechanism in the duodenum. Since the increase of intraduodenal protease decrease exocrine pancreatic secretion, large doses of oral pancreatic enzyme preparations, including trypsin, suppress the secretion of exocrine pancreatic emzymes. Then, decreased pancreatic secretion automatically decreases intrapancreatic duct pressure with a resulting attenuation of pancreatic pain.