臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.11(8)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --胆・膵
題名 Groove Pancreatitis
発刊年月 1998年 10月
著者 幹 多久夫 防衛医科大学校第一内科
著者 初瀬 一夫 防衛医科大学校第一内科
【 要旨 】 groove pancreatitisは1973年,Beckerらにより命名,報告された膵頭部と総胆管,十二指腸に囲まれた溝(groove)に発生する限局性慢性膵炎である.本疾患は膵頭部の腫大ないし腫瘤および十二指腸狭窄を特徴とするため,膵頭部領域の悪性疾患との鑑別が問題となるが,鑑別は困難なことが多い.病理組織学的にはpure form,segmental formに分けられるが,成因的には不明な点が多い.本疾患の概念の浸透とともに保存的治療もみられるが,無効例,再燃例,微小癌併存例ならびに鑑別困難例も多いことから,現時点での外科的治療としては幽門輪温存膵頭十二指腸切除術が適応となろう.さらなる症例の集積により,より適切な治療を確立すべき疾患と考える.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know -- Biliary Tract, Pancreas
Title Groove Pancreatitis
Author Takuo Inui 1st Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College 9.Hemosuccus Pancreaticus
Author Kazuo Hatsuse 1st Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College 9.Hemosuccus Pancreaticus
[ Summary ] "Groove pancreatitis", first described by Becker in 1973, is a special form of segmental pancreatitis affecting the head of the pancreas, and is characterized by the formation of a scarplate between the head of the pancreas and the duodenum what we call "groove", It is difficult or even impossible to distinguish this from malignant diseases around the head of the pancreas. Because radiologically, the scar plate in the groove looks like a tumor, and ohe of the clinical findings of this disease is frequent duodenal stenosis. Based on histopathologic findings, groove pancreatitis is divided into two types : the "pure" form and the "segmental" form. Several authors have reported not only successfully treated cases but also those treated inefficaciously with conservative therapies. Frequent relapses, are accompanied by minute carcirioma, which are difficult to distinguish frorn other discases, surgical therapies are indicated at the present time. Pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy(PPPD) seerns to be the proper treatment. Greater awareness of this disease will bring about improved therapeutic treatments.