臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.11(6)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --胆・膵
題名 粘液産生胆管癌
発刊年月 1998年 10月
著者 阪本 英至 名古屋大学医学部第一外科
著者 二村 雄次 名古屋大学医学部第一外科
【 要旨 】 多量の粘液を産生し胆道系に分泌する胆管癌を粘液産生胆管癌と定義し,自験11例の臨床所見と治療成績を検討した.初発症状は反復する腹痛,黄疸,発熱であった.全例肝内胆管原発であった.診断においては,経皮経肝胆道ドレナージ(PTBD)で粘液を排除して初めて腫瘍進展範囲を正確に把握できた.11例中5例に癌の表層拡大進展を認め,その範囲の診断には経皮経肝胆道鏡(PTCS)が不可欠であった.全例に外科的治療を行い1O例に根治切除を施行できた.術後5年生存例が7例,50%生存期問は10.8年であった.PTBD,PTCSを用いた正確な診断に基づき合理的切除を行えばその予後は通常型胆管癌より良好であった.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know -- Biliary Tract, Pancreas
Title Mucin-producing Cholangiocarcinoma
Author Eiji Sakamoto First Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Author Yuji Nimura First Department of Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] We defined cholangiocarcinoma secreting macroscopically excessive amounts of mucin into the biliary system as "mucin-producing cholangiocarcinoma", and presented the clinical features and the outcome of 11 surgically treated cases. The clinical presentations of the 11 patients included repeated abdominal pain, jaundice, and fever. Conventional cholangiographies such as percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography or endoscopic retrograde cholangiography could not offer precise information about tumor location and extension because of abundant mucin in the biliary system. After draining mucin through percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD), we achieved clear cholangiograms and determined the cancer extension precisely. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy (PTCS) was indispensable for investigating the superficial spread of cancer. Based on these findings, all tumors were resected surgically, and 10 patients obtained curative resection. Macroscopically, papillary tumors developed in diffusely dilated intrahepatic bile ducts in 4 cases, whereas, Iarge cystic lesions with papillary projections developed in the liver in other 7 cases. The superfical spread of the cancer contiguous to the primary tumor was observed in 5 of 11 cases. Postoperatively, 7 patients survived for at least 5 years and the median survival rate was 10.8 years. Rational surgery procedures based on accurate preoperative diagnosis using PTBD and PTCS improved the prognosis of patients with this disease.