臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.11(10)

特集名 知っておくべき疾患 --胆・膵
題名 膵漿液性嚢胞腺腫ならびに癌
発刊年月 1998年 10月
著者 阿部 秀樹 東京大学医学部肝胆膵外科
著者 木村 理 東京大学医学部肝胆膵外科
【 要旨 】 漿液性嚢胸腺腫は,興味深い画像所見とmacrocystic type,oligocystic type,多発性,多結節性など亜型の提唱により,術前診断は困難であることが少なくない.また,転移・浸潤など悪性所見を認めた例が報告されたことにより各施設の治療方針に幅がみられる.悪性所見を認めた自験例を含む報告6例を検討したところ,腫瘍径が1Ocmを超え,胆管,門脈,脾静脈を閉塞している所見を認め,さらにそれが多結節性であれば病理組織学的に悪性所見を有する可能性が高いと考えられた.当科では現在のところ,膵頭・体尾部にかかわらず4cmを超える膵漿液性嚢胸腺腫は積極的切除の方針が望ましいと考えている.
Theme Digestive Diseases to Know -- Biliary Tract, Pancreas
Title Serous Cystadenoma and Cystadenocarcinoma of the Pancreas
Author Hideki Abe Second Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Author Wataru Kimura Second Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] Serous cystadenocarcinomas of the pancreas are often difficult to diagnose preoperatively, since they give non-specific findings through images of cystic lesions, and have subtypes such as macrocystic, oligocystic, multiple and multinodular types. Six cases of serous cystadenomas or cystadenocarcinomas with malignant histopathological findings have been reported. Therefore, strategies for treatment of microcystic adenomas are not uniform. According to six such cases with malignant findings, tumors measuring more than 10cm, involving ducts and vessels, and having a multinodular appearance are often associated with malignant histopathological f indings. We believe that a microcystic adenoma measuring more than 4cm in diameter should be recommended for resection, wheather it is located in the pancreatic head or not.