臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.10(8)

特集名 肝癌 --発癌のメカニズムと予防
題名 インターフェロン治療による肝発癌抑制
発刊年月 1998年 09月
著者 池田 健次 虎の門病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 B型肝硬変に対して週2回6カ月以上のインターフェロン(IFN)治療を行った94例での肝癌発癌率を無治療219例と比較した.5年粗肝癌発癌率はIFN群7.0%,無治療群19.6%で,10年はそれぞれ17.0%,30.8%であった(p=0.012).多変量解析で発癌率に寄与する要因を求めると,(1)積算飲酒量(p=0.028),(2)AFP値(P=0.011),(3)ICG15分値(P=0.029),(4)IFN使用(ハザード比0.39,p=0.031)の4要因が独立要因であり,IFNは発癌率を低下させることが示された.また医療経済的観点でもっとも効率よく発癌抑制効果が発揮できるのは,HBV-DNAが10Meq/ml以上の高ウイルス量の肝硬変症例であった.
Theme Hepatocarcinogenesis --Mechanism and Prevention
Title Effect of Interferon on Hepatocellular Careinogenesis in Patients with HBV-related Cirrhosis
Author Kenji Ikeda Department of Gastroenterology, Toranomon Hospital
[ Summary ] In order to elucidate the influence of the long-term administration of interferon on the appearance rates of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related cirrhosis, we analyzed 313 consecutive patients with cirrhosis. Among the 313 patients, 94 underwent long-term intermittent administration of interferon for 6 months or more, and the other 219 patients received no anti-viral drugs. Cumulative appearance rates of HCC in the interferon and the untreated group were 4.5%, 13.3% respectively at the end of the third year, 7.0%, 19.6% respectively at the end of the fifth year, and 17.0% and 30.8% at the end of the 10th year. The HCC development rate in the treated group was significantly lower than that of the untreated group (p=0.0124). The proportional hazard model revealed that interferon treatment was an independent contributing factor in lowering the rate of carcinogenesis (Odds ratio=0.39, p=0.031) even after correction by significant covariates in multivariate analysis. The virological study showed that the role of interferon therapy, from the viewpoint of cancer prevention, was much larger in patients with higher HBV-DNA concentrations (10Meq or more). Interferon therapy for HBV-related cirrhosis significantly decreased the HCC appearance rate, especially in patients with a higher amounts of serum HBV-DNA. If interferon is properly administered to a selected group of patients, an effective strategy for cancer prevention may be achieved, even in patients with cirrhosis.