臨牀消化器内科 Vol.13 No.10(1)

特集名 肝癌 --発癌のメカニズムと予防
題名 肝細胞癌の遺伝子異常
発刊年月 1998年 09月
著者 湯本 泰弘 岡山大学アイソトープ総合センター
【 要旨 】 大腸癌の遺伝子解析を基にした研究により,発癌は遺伝子異常の蓄積によってもたらされるという多段階発癌説が主流となっている.ヒト肝細胞癌でも増殖促進的に働く遺伝子の過剰発現と増殖抑制的に働く遺伝子の不活化をはじめ,遺伝子異常修復遺伝子の異常など種々の遺伝子異常が報告されている.これらの遺伝子異常は一般に進行肝細胞癌において,より高頻度に認められており,その進展過程には複数の遺伝子異常が関与すると考えられる.未だ,肝細胞癌に特異的な遺伝子変化は見出されていない.報告されている遺伝子異常をまとめ,発癌機構についてもふれた.
Theme Hepatocarcinogenesis --Mechanism and Prevention
Title Alteration of Genes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Author Yasuhiro Yumoto Radioisotope Center, Okayama University Medical School
[ Summary ] The mammalian cell cycle is controlled by regulators of the G1 to S transition such as tumor suppresser proteins, p53 and retinoblastoma (RB) ; cyclin Dl and cyclin dependent kinase 4; and inhibitors of cyclin dependent kinese, pl6INK4A. Recently, aberrations of these cell cycle-related genes and methylation of promoters of pl61NK4A have been reported to contribute to the formation and development of cancer. In human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), high rates of aberration have been detected in the p53 and RB genes. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosome 13q and 17p was detected frequently in HCC cases. The aberration of these genes was observed more frequently when there was poor differentiation and in advanced HCCs. On the other hand, genetic alteration of the cyclin D1 and pl6INK4A genes was not so frequent, which suggests that disruption of the cell cycle-related genes results in the progression of HCC.