臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.9(2-5)

特集名 膵内分泌腫瘍
題名 各論:膵内分泌腫瘍の臨床症状・診断ならびに治療 (5) ソフトスタチノーマ
発刊年月 1997年 08月
著者 若杉 英之 国立病院九州がんセンター消化器部
著者 甲斐 理々子 国立病院九州がんセンター消化器部
【 要旨 】 画像診断(US, CT, 血管造影),血漿ソマトスタチンの測定(RIA),免疫組織学的検査の進歩によりソマトスタチノーマの報告例は増加しているが,比較的まれな疾患である.成人後期に発症し,女性がやや多い.大部分は単発性,悪性である.膵原発,膵外性(十二指腸原発)がある.前者は膵頭部に多く,肝転移が少なくない.後者では3主徴(糖尿病,胆石,脂肪便)が明らかでなく,von Recklinghausen病が瘻合併する.腫瘍の完全切除が最良の治療だが,治癒切除不能例でも,転移巣を含め病巣を可及的に切除する.化学療法としては5-FU系薬剤,STZ等が使用される.腫瘍の発育は一般に緩徐で,通常型膵癌(膵管状腺癌)に比較すると予後は良好である.
Theme Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors
Title Somatostatinoma
Author Hideyuki Wakasugi National Kyushu Cancer Center
Author Ririko Kai National Kyushu Cancer Center
[ Summary ] Somatostatinomas are still rare, though reports of this tumor have recently increased in number owing to progress in imaging examinations(US, CT, angiography etc.), RIA of plasma somatostatin, immunohistochemistry, and so on. Somatostatinomas occur in adults, slightly more often in women than in men. Most somatostatinomas are found as solitary, malignant tumors. There are two types, namely, pancreatic and extrapancreatic(duodenal). The former is mostly located in the head of the pancreas, frequently with metastasis to the liver. The latter usually has no symptoms of somatostatinoma syndrome, which constitute a clinical triad (diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, steatorrhea), and is present with von Recklinghausen's disease. The optimal treatment is complete resection of the tumor. Even in cases that cannot undergo a radical operation, an aggressive surgical approach including resection of metastatic tumors is warranted. Chemotherapy is administered employing 5-FU, STZ, etc. The tumors commonly grow slowly and the prognosis of somatostatinomas is better than those of more commonly encountered pancreatic cancers (e.g. pancreatic tubular adenocarcinoma).