臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.9(2-2)

特集名 膵内分泌腫瘍
題名 各論:膵内分泌腫瘍の臨床症状・診断ならびに治療 (2) ガストリノーマ(Zollinger-Ellison症候群)
発刊年月 1997年 08月
著者 冨松 聡一 防衛医科大学校第一外科
著者 市倉 隆 防衛医科大学校第一外科
【 要旨 】 Zollinger-Ellison症候群について,胃潰瘍出血で緊急手術となった1例と術前診断できた1例を提示するとともに,その診断と治療を中心に概説した.本症候群は,膵,十二指腸,胆嚢等,原発のgastrinomaが病因となり,難治性消化性潰瘍や下痢等を起こす. gastrinoma は60%以上が悪性で,肝やリンパ節に転移をきたす.胃液検査,血清ガストリン値,セクレチン負荷試験等で診断されるが,gastrinomaの局在に関してはSASI試験がもっとも有用とされる.治療はgastrinomaの根治摘除が第一であるが,局在が不明な場合や広範な転移を伴う場合も多い.PPIを中心とした薬物による胃酸分泌抑制治療の進歩により,胃全摘は行われなくなってきている.
Theme Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors
Title Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome:Current Concepts and Strategies
Author Soichi Tomimatsu First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Takashi Ichikura First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] Current strategies for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES) are reviewed herein and two cases of ZES are also reported. Case 1 is a 47-year-old man who underwent gastrectomy for gastric ulcer bleeding. Case 2 is a 63 year-old woman who was preoperatively diagnosed as having ZES and underwent distal pancreatectomy with partial hepatectomy for liver metastasis.
Patients with ZES suffer from severe, complicated peptic ulceration and diarrhea due to hypergastrinemia. Gastrinomas often localize in the pancreas, duodenum, and gallbladder. Over 60% of gastrinomas metastasize to the liver or to lymph nodes. The diagnosis is made by measuring gastric acid production and the fasting serum gastrin level, as well as the secretin stimulation test. Selective arterial secretin injection and percutaneous transhepatic portal venous sampling are useful for determining the locations of gastrinomas. Complete tumor resection is the optimal therapy. When the gastrinoma cannot be detected or cannot be removed completely, suppression of gastric acid secretion with a proton pump inhibitor is indicated.