臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.9(1-1)

特集名 膵内分泌腫瘍
題名 総論 (1) 膵内分泌腫瘍の病理
発刊年月 1997年 08月
著者 国村 利明 昭和大学病院病院病理科・昭和大学医学部第一病理学教室
著者 宮坂 信雄 昭和大学病院病院病理科・昭和大学医学部第一病理学教室
【 要旨 】 膵内分泌腫瘍に残された今日的課題について病理学的立場から述べた.本腫瘍は従来,分泌されるホルモンにより分類されてきた.しかし最近の免疫組織化学的検索によれば,単一の腫瘍内にさまざまなホルモンを産生する複数の腫瘍細胞が確認され,さらに,膵管マーカーに陽性の腫瘍細胞の混在が認められる症例も少なくなく,膵内分泌腫瘍の新たな分類の必要性が強調される.また,未だ統一された良悪性の診断基準は得られていないが,複数のホルモンを産生する症例や膵管マーカーに陽性を示す症例で悪性の割合が高く,良悪性判定の一つの指標となる可能性が考えられた.分子生物学的には通常型膵癌とは明らかに異なる所見を示し,その詳細は今後の検討課題である.
Theme Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors
Title Pathology of Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors
Author Toshiaki Kunimura Hospital-Pathology, Showa University School of Medicine, 1st Department of Pathology. Showa University School of Medicine
Author Nobuo Miyasaka Hospital-Pathology, Showa University School of Medicine, 1st Department of Pathology. Showa University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Pathological specimens of pancreatic endocrine tumors are discussed. This type of tumor was formerly classified into functional and non-functional, but recent immunohistochemical studies have revealed various aspects of endocrine and exocrine secretion of the tumor cells. In our study, according to the hormones secreted, this type of tumor was classified into three divisions, i.e., non-functional (which shows a positive reaction to endocrine markers, but not to any endocrine hormone), monoclonal(which shows a positive finding for only one endocrine hormone), and polyclonal (which shows positive findings for more than two endocrine hormones). Furthermore, regarding another aspect of exocrine secretion, this tumor is classified into two divisions, i.e., pure type (which shows a positive reaction to only endocrine markers), and combined type (which shows positive reactions to both endocrine and exocrine markers). To our knowledge, the polyclonal and combined types of this tumor have malignant potential, and this classification is anticipated to be useful for investigating malignancy.