臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.8(5-3)

特集名 漢方医学 -- 消化管治療学の新しい展開
題名 生薬由来物質のトピックス (3) Helicobacter pyloriのホップ(Humulus lupulus L.の雌花序)由来物質による除菌
発刊年月 1997年 07月
著者 難波 恒雄 富山医科薬科大学和漢薬研究所
著者 門田 重利 富山医科薬科大学和漢薬研究所
【 要旨 】 Helicobacter pylori(Helicobacter pylori)は,消化性疾患の原因の一つであると考えられている.それゆえ,これらの疾患の治癒促進(H.pylori)や再発防止には,H. pyloriの除菌が有効であると考えられる.そこで,経験的に有効と考えられる27種の生薬についてin vitroにおけるH. pyloriに対する抗菌活性を試験したところ,ホップ及びその含有成分であるルプロン (lupulone) (1)に強い活性が認められた.また,ルプロン (1)は臨床分離株やマクロライド耐性臨床分離株にも標準株と同様の強い活性が認められたことから,今後,臨床的にも期待できる化合物であると思われる.
Theme Kampo Medicine : New Trends in GI Therapoitics
Title Antibacterial Activity of Lupulone from Hop (Female Inflorescence of Humulus lupulus L.) against Helicobacter pylori
Author Tsuneo Namba Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku(Traditional Sino-Japanese Medicines) Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Author Shigetoshi Kadota Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku(Traditional Sino-Japanese Medicines) Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
[ Summary ] Recently, several lines of evidence have indicated that gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers are related to Helicobacter pylori infection. Combination of a proton pump inhibitor, antibiotics and metronidazole is very useful for eradication of this bacterium. However, strains resistant to antibiotics and metronidazole appear frequently. Thus, we examined 27 natural medicines, which have traditionally been used in China, Indonesia, Vietnam and Japan, for in vitro antibacterial activity against H.pylori by the disc method. Among these, the methanol extract of Humulus luplus (female inflorescence), Magnolia Officinalis (bark) and Pachyrrhizus erosus (seeds) significantly inhibited the growth of H.pylori. A detailed study on H.lupulus, as well as activity-guided chemical analysis, led to isolation of an active compound, lupulone(1), from the hexane soluble fraction of its methanol extract. Lupulone(1) showed significant antibacterial activity against three clinically isolated strains including a macrolide resistant strain as well as two standard strains of H.pylori.