臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.8(4-3)

特集名 漢方医学 -- 消化管治療学の新しい展開
題名 漢方製剤の臨床応用のトピックス (3) Crohn病に伴うイレウスの大建中湯による治療と予防
発刊年月 1997年 07月
著者 高添 正和 社会保険中央総合病院内科
著者 山内 浩 都立大久保病院東洋医学科
【 要旨 】
Theme Kampo Medicine : New Trends in GI Therapoitics
Title The New Therapeutic Aproach of Herbal Medicine Dai-kenchu-to for Crohn's Disease Ileus
Author Masakazu Takazoe Department of Internal Medicine, The Social Health Insurance Medical Center
Author Hiroshi Yamauchi Department of Oriental Medicine, Tokyo Metropolitan Okubo Hospital
[ Summary ] During its long period of progression, Crohn's disease often requires surgical treatment. In most cases, surgery is necessitated by intestinal obstruction, frequently resulting in ileus. As the cause of Crohn's disease is as yet unknown, treatment is aimed at improving the patient's QOL. Treatment of ileus is often necessary. Therefore, long-term management of Crohn's disease is important. Dai-kenchu-to has been found to be a useful drug in the treatment of ileus associated with Crohn's disease, and is thought to contribute greatly to enhancing the efficacy of treatment.