臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.8(3)

特集名 漢方医学 -- 消化管治療学の新しい展開
題名 消化器外科における漢方療法
発刊年月 1997年 07月
著者 森脇 義弘 横浜市立大学医学部附属浦舟病院救命救急センター
著者 杉山 貢 横浜市立大学医学部附属浦舟病院救命救急センター
【 要旨 】 消化器外科領域では,疾患自体や疾患に対する手術などの治療により諸臓器の機能異常を生じるが,縮小手術による機能温存や術後補助療法による機能維持をはかるなどquality of life(QOL)も重要視されている.外科治療の概念に乏しい古代中国で大系化された漢方はおもに内科慢性疾患に用いられてきたが,消化器外科領域でも手術により固定化・慢性化した病態などに応用されている.手術前後における全身状態の改善,術後の愁訴や合併症の治療(食思不振,不定愁訴,術後癒着障害,慢性下痢,癌性腹水,胃切除後逆流性食道炎や骨代謝異常,胃腸吻合部狭窄など),悪性腫瘍の術後抗癌剤治療における支持療法,内痔核などに用いられ良好な成績を収めている.
Theme Kampo Medicine : New Trends in GI Therapoitics
Title Kampo Therapy in Gastrointestinal Surgery
Author Yoshihiro Moriwaki Yokohama City University, School of Medicine, Urafune Hospital, Department of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine
Author Mitsugi Sugiyama Yokohama City University, School of Medicine, Urafune Hospital, Department of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine
[ Summary ] In the field of gastrointestinal surgery, damage to various organs and their functions by the disease itself by the treatment for the disease is widely recognized. Kampo has been applied to chronic internal medical diseases and is also applicable to various postoperative chronic conditions related to operative procedures. We have applied Kampo to the improvement of general condition before and after surgery, as treatment for postoperative complaints and complications of anorrhexia, various nonspecific complaints, disorders due to adhesion, chronic diarrhea, cancerous ascites, reflux esophagitis, disorders of bone metabolism and post-gastrectomy anastomotic stenosis, as well as in combined treatment involving postoperative chemotherapy and as management of internal hemorrhoids. We have obtained a satisfactory results, as described herein.