特集名 | 漢方医学 -- 消化管治療学の新しい展開 | |
題名 | 消化器内科における漢方療法 (1) 咽喉頭異常感症 | |
発刊年月 | 1997年 07月 | |
著者 | 山際 幹和 | 松阪中央総合病院耳鼻咽喉科 |
【 要旨 】 | 咽喉頭異常感症とは,「咽喉頭部や頸部食道部に異常感を訴えるが,諸検査でその訴えに見合う器質的な異常を見出しえず,往々にして,精神神経症状を合併している病態」である.異常感を惹起する病態は多岐にわたるが,まず,咽喉頭部の炎症で異常感覚が惹起され,その結果,不安感などの心的症状が誘発され,きわめて心身症的色彩の強い咽喉頭異常感症が発症する場合が多い.これは漢方治療がよく奏効する病態のひとつであり,本稿では,咽喉頭異常感症に対して汎用される柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯,半夏厚朴湯,柴朴湯をとりあげ,筆者の臨床経験を述べた. |
Theme | Kampo Medicine : New Trends in GI Therapoitics | |
Title | Treatment of Abnormal Sensation in the Throat with Oriental Medicine | |
Author | Mikikazu Yamagiwa | Matsusaka Chuo Hospital |
[ Summary ] | In western medicine, patients complaining of abnormal sensations in the throat have been treated mainly with sedatives. Unfortunately, quite a few cases are resistant to this treatment and become intractable. In oriental medicine, such patients have been described in Jin kui yao lue, a medical text compiled in 219, and Hange-koboku-to is listed in this ancient text as a medicine for females with the aforementioned sensation. Without employing the traditional methods of diagnosis described in oriental medical texts, the author has successfully treated male patients with Saiko-ka-ryukotsu-borei-to, female patients with Hange-koboku-to and patients of both sexes with Saiboku-to. The results obtained support the claims, by many modern investigators of oriental medicine, that these compounds can readily cure the condition of abnormal sensations in the throat. |