臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.4(5-1)

特集名 十二指腸の腫瘍
題名 十二指腸癌(乳頭部癌を除く) (1) 進行十二指腸癌の臨床像
発刊年月 1997年 04月
著者 両角 敦郎 山梨医科大学第一内科
著者 藤野 雅之 山梨医科大学第一内科
【 要旨 】 進行十二指腸癌の臨床像について,転移性十二指腸癌を含め,自験例を呈示しながら述べた.原発性十二指腸癌は比較的まれな疾患である.60歳代の男性に多く,上腹部痛,貧血,体重減少などの症状がみられる.好発部位は十二指腸下行部で,Borrmann 2型様腫瘍および分化型癌が多い.癌の大きさが5cmを超えると通過障害が生ずるようになり,中分化型腺癌,低分化癌では転移を起こしやすい.十二指腸周囲は解剖学的に複雑で,十分な画像診断を行って,治療方針を決定する必要がある.近年は治癒切除率,5年生存率ともに上昇しているが,さらなる成績向上のためには,より早期の十二指腸癌発見に負うところが大きい.転移性十二指腸癌は膵癌の直接浸潤がもっとも多いが,他の十二指腸隣接臓器癌からの浸潤,遠隔臓器癌からの血行性転移も考慮すべきである.
Theme Duodenal Tumors
Title Clinical Aspects of Advanced Duodenal Carcinoma
Author Atsuro Morozumi First Department of Medicine, Yamanashi Medical University
Author Masayuki A. Fujino First Department of Medicine, Yamanashi Medical University
[ Summary ] We describe the clinical aspects of advanced duodenal carcinoma, including metastatic carcinoma, presenting our own experience with cases. Primary duodenal carcinoma is comparatively rare, occurring mostly in men in their sixties, and presenting with symptoms such as upper abdominal pain, anemia and weight loss. Most duodenal carcinomas arise in the descending part of the duodenum in the form of a Borrmann 2 type tumor, and are histopathologically differentiated. When tumor size exceeds 5cm in diameter, food passage is frequently disturbed. Moreover, moderately and poorly differentiated carcinomas really metastasize to distant organs. Treatment should be carefully planned, based on optimal utilization of all imaging diagnostic modalities because of the anatomical complexity in proximity to the duodenum. The curative resection rate and the 5-year survival rate have both been increasing recently. However, it is essential to further improve both rates, and this will necessitate early detection of duodenal carciioma. Though most metastatic carcinomas are derived from the direct infiltration of pancreatic carcinoma, malignant invasion from other digestive organs around the duodenum and metastatic carcinoma from distant organs should be also considered.