臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.3(2-1)

特集名 腹腔鏡下手術のPitfall
題名 技術的な立場から a.気腹に伴うPitfall
発刊年月 1997年 03月
著者 謝 宗安 帝京大学医学部附属溝口病院麻酔科
【 要旨 】 気腹の合併症を概説した.ガス塞栓での安全性から,二酸化炭素(CO2)と亜酸化窒素(N2O)が気腹ガスとして使用される.電気メスは腹腔内に一酸化炭素を発生させるが,一酸化炭素ヘモグロビンは危険レベルに達しない.CO2気腹は,呼吸系,循環系,術後疼痛などに影響を与える.呼吸系変化にはPaCO2の上昇,換気力学的パラメータの変化,気管分岐部の頭側移動,気胸・皮下気腫,ガス塞栓症がある.循環系変化はCO2による交感神経興奮とホルモン分泌,血管の器械的圧迫,高CO2血症により生じる.気腹時の外科的重大合併症には,ガス塞栓症,血管損傷と大量出血,腸管穿孔がある.上記の点を留意することで気腹中の安全性を確保することができる.
Theme Pitfalls of Laparoscopic Surgery
Title Complications of Pneumoperitoneum
Author Muneyasu Sha Dept. of Anesthesia, University Hospital Mizonoguchi, Teikyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, helium and air have been used as insufflation agents for pneumoperitoneum. Air and helium are generally avoided because of their extremely low solubility in blood which may cause severe circulatory depression via gas embolism. CO2 pneumoperitoneum is associated with adverse effects, such as respiratory changes, cardiovascular changes and postoperative pain. Respiratory effects include hypercarbia, elevation of airway pressure, decreased total lung compliance, subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax and carbon dioxide gas embolism. Cardiovascular changes may be caused by peritoneal distension resulting in sympathetic stimulation, mechanical compression of intra-abdominal vessels and hypercarbia. Severe surgical complications during the creation of pneumoperitoneum are gas embolism, massive bleeding via perforation of large vessels and gastro-intesinal perforation. Burning of tissue by electrocautery in a hypoxic environment during pneumoperitoneum can produce carbon monoxide. However, blood levels of carboxyhemoglobin do not rise in the clinical setting. Understanding the physiologic changes produced by pneumoperitoneum, in conjunction with intensive monitoring, can assure safe management of patients during laparoscopic procedures.