臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.2(7)

特集名 高齢者と消化管
題名 高齢者胃癌の対策
発刊年月 1997年 02月
著者 狩野 敦 岩手県立中央病院消化器センター内科
【 要旨 】 平均余命の延長とともに高齢者胃癌の比率が増大,その対策が重要となっている.高齢者の胃癌対策を改善し,高齢者の社会活動をできるだけ長引かせることは高齢化社会の要件である.過去10年間の入院胃癌823例と,過去13年間の集団検診検出胃癌1,190例を検討し,以下の結果を得た.すなわち,(1)年々高齢者胃癌が増加,(2)高齢者の胃癌の待徴は隆起型が多く,組織では高分化型胃癌が多い,(3)高齢者胃癌の治療成績は比較的よい,(4)高齢者においてもQOLの高い内視鏡的治療が増加している,(5)高齢者胃癌の早期発見の機会は少ない.結論として,高齢者にも検診の機会を増やし,QOLの高い治療が可能な時期の胃癌を発見することが重要である.
Theme GI Tract in the Elderly
Title The Management of Elderly Patients with Gastric Cancer
Author Atsushi Kano Department of Gastroenterology, Iwate Pref. Central Hospital
[ Summary ] In accordance with the extended life expectancy in Japan, the prevalence of gastric cancer in elderly patients has been increasing. In an attempt to elucidate the characteristic features of gastric cancer in the elderly population, we reviewed the clinical records of 826 gastric cancer patients admitted to our institution and 1190 patients found to have gastric cancer by gastric mass survey. Our analysis revealed a steady increase in the prevalence of gastric cancer in the elderly over the past decade. Major features included: i)elevated type, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma, ii)relatively favorable prognosis, iii)increasing use of endoscopic treatment with satisfactory QOL outcome, and iv)difficulty in early detection due to limited access to gastric mass survey. In conclusion, it is important to detect early gastric cancer in the elderly population as a means of maintaining good QOL status.