臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.2(6)

特集名 高齢者と消化管
題名 高齢者の消化性潰瘍
発刊年月 1997年 02月
著者 小林 絢三 大阪市立大学医学部第三内科
【 要旨 】 高齢者の消化性潰瘍は,若年者のそれに比して重篤であり,しばしば合併症を伴う. 高齢者の消化性潰瘍は,その臨床経過から2つのグループに分けることが出来る.1つは高齢者の消化性潰瘍の特徴,すなわち,その症状は若年者に比して不定であり,また,変化に富んでいるタイプのもの,もう1つは,典型的な若年者のそれに類似した特徴を示すものである. 一般的に,消化性潰瘍のリスクファクターとして,非ステロイド性抗炎症例(NSAIDs)とH.pyloriが注目されているが,高齢者のそれに於いてはどうであろうか? 潰瘍性病変をもつ高齢者のH.pylori感染率はそれをもたないものに比して低く,また,H.pylori陽性の高齢者潰瘍の約70%はNSAIDsを内服している.これらのことから,高齢者の潰瘍は,H.pyloriよりもNSAIDsにより関係していると考えられる.
Theme GI Tract in the Elderly
Title Peptic Ulcer Disease in the Elderly
Author Kenzo Kobayashi 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
[ Summary ] Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a more serious disorder in the elderly than in younger individuals and often has in an atypical course with a greater tendency toward complications. PUD can be classified into two groups based on the analysis of its clinical course. One group which shows typical features of PUD in the elderly, specifically symptoms tending to be more poorly defined and variable than in younger adults. The other group shows features typical of those in younger individuals. An important finding of some studies is that risk factors (H.pylori or NSAID) in the elderly differ from those in younger patients. The incidence of H.pylori infection was no higher in the elderly patients with than in those without ulcers. Approximately 70% of H.pylori positive elderly patients with PUD were taking NSAID. Therefore, PUD was significantly associated with NSAID use, but not with H.pylori, in the elderly.