特集名 | 残胃の癌 | |
題名 | 食道癌切除後胃建胃管に維する残胃癌 | |
発刊年月 | 1997年 12月 | |
著者 | 熊之細 透 | 鹿児島大学医学部第一外科 |
著者 | 愛甲 孝 | 鹿児島大学医学部第一外科 |
【 要旨 】 | 食道癌と胃癌の重複癌は比較的多く経験されるが,食道癌術後の再建胃管癌はこれまでに本邦報告95例とまれである.食道癌症例の術前では,胃癌の合併を念頭においた慎重な胃病変の検索が必要である.術後においても定期的内視鏡検査などにより早期の胃管癌の発見が可能となりうる.その結果,内視鏡的切除や胃部分切除など侵襲の少ない治療が可能となる.当教室でもこれまでに経験した胃管癌4症例のうち2例が術後の胃内視鏡検査で発見され,1例が胃部分切除により再発なく4年6ヵ月生存中である.食道癌の治療成績の向上に伴い,今後,胃管癌症例も増加すると思われる.良好な予後を得るためには早期発見と適切な治療法の選択が重要である. |
Theme | Carcinoma in Remnant Stomach | |
Title | Gastric Cancer in the Gastric Tube following Esophagectomy for Cancer of the Esophagus | |
Author | Toru Kumanohoso | First Department of Surgery, Kagoshima University |
Author | Takashi Aikou | First Department of Surgery, Kagoshima University |
[ Summary ] | Ninety-five cases of gastric cancer in the gastric tube following esophagectomy for cancer of the esophagus have been reported, to date, in Japan. Many of these patients died within one year following surgery because of advanced gastric cancer. Recently, however, the incidence of early gastric cancer cases detected by endoscopy after the operation has increased. We treated 4 cases of gastric cancer in the gastric tube after esophagectomy. A 57-year old man under-went routine endoscopic examination and was diag-nosed with early gastric cancer in the gastric tube. The patient has been well for more than 4 years and 6 months since undergoing partial gastrectomy. Endoscpic observations allowing early detection of gastric cancer before and after an esophageal cancer operation are necessary to assure a good prognosis. |