臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.13(8)

特集名 残胃の癌
題名 残胃の癌の進展,残胃のリンパ流
発刊年月 1997年 12月
著者 沢井 清司 京都府立医科大学第一外科
著者 高橋 俊雄 京都府立医科大学第一外科
【 要旨 】 残胃の癌のうち,初回手術でリンパ節郭清を伴わない幽門側胃切除がなされた残胃に発生した癌では,残胃のリンパ流は小弯から左胃動脈に向かう流れが主流であり,肉眼癌型,進行度,リンパ節転移など,胃上部の原発胃癌ととくに変わるところはない.これに対し,初回手術で根治的リンパ節郭清がなされ,左胃動脈が根部で切離された残胃に発生した癌では,残胃のリンパ流は,小弯に向かう流れが遮断されており,おもに大弯側に向かって流れるので,脾動脈に沿うリンパ節の郭清がより重要になる.また,Billroth II法後では,空腸間膜へもリンパが流れやすくなる.初回悪性後の残胃再発癌は,進行例が多く外科治療は困難なことが多い.
Theme Carcinoma in Remnant Stomach
Title Extension and Lvymphatic Drainage of Gastric Stump Cancer
Author Kiyoshi Sawai First Departmtent of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Author Toshio Takahashi First Departmtent of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
[ Summary ] From the viewpoint of lymphatic drainage of the remnant stomach, patients with gastric stump cancer could be classified into two groups. In the first group, the left gastric artery had been preserved in the last gastrectomy, and most patients in this group had have benign disease. In the patients with a preserved left gastric artery, the lymphatic drainage of the remnant stomach proceeded mainly along the left gastric artery. In these patients, extensions of the gastric stump cancer were similar to the primary gastric cancer located in the upper third of the stomach. In the second group, the left gastric artery had been sacrificed for radical lymph node dissection in the last gastrectomy. In patients with a removed left gastric artery, the lymphatic drainage proceeded mainly along the splenic artery. In these patients, lymph node dissection along the splenic artery is critical. Some of patients who had received a Billroth II reconstruction had lymph node metastases in the jejunal mesentery. About half of pati-ents with gastric stump cancer due to cancer recurrence had extensive disease.