臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.13(5)

特集名 残胃の癌
題名 幽門側胃切除術再建法と残胃の癌
発刊年月 1997年 12月
著者 市倉 隆 防衛医科大学校第一外科
【 要旨 】 残胃の癌自験例を初回手術時の再建によりBillrothI法(B-I)の14例と同II法(B-II)の17例とで比較した.B-II群ではB-II群に比べ,初回手術時の平均年齢が低く,初回手術から残胃癌手術までの期間が長く,吻合部近傍の腫瘍が多かった.原発巣周囲の粘膜固有腺の萎縮はB-II群のほうが高度であった.吻合部近傍の腫瘍はB-II再建後30年以上経過した症例に集中しており,B-II再建に伴う十二指腸内容の逆流が残胃発癌に関与する可能性が示唆された.一方,胃切除後20年以内の残胃の癌では,85%がB-I再建例であり,吻合部近傍の腫瘍は少なかったことから,再建法あるいは十二指腸内容逆流の発癌への関与は少ないと考えられた.
Theme Carcinoma in Remnant Stomach
Title The Relationship between Reconstruction Procedure after Distal Gastrectomy and Car-cinogenesis in the Remnant Stomach
Author Takashi Ichikura First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] Fourteen patients with a carcinoma of the remnant stomach who had undergone distal gastrectomy and Billroth I anastomosis (B-I) were compared with 17 patients with Billroth II anastomosis (B-II). Patients with B-II anastomosis had a lower average age at the first operation, a longer interval between the first and second operation, and tumors closer to the anastomotic line as compared to those with B-I anastomosis. Most tumors within 2cm of the anastomotic line were found in patients with B-II anastomosis and with an interval of 30 to 40 years between the first and second operations. These results suggest that duodenal reflux can be a carcinogenic factor in the remnant stomach. On the other hand, in patients with an interval of 20 years or less between the first and second operations, B-I anastomosis was performed in 85%, and tumors were located distant from the anastomotic line. These observations suggest that reconstruction procedures or duodenal reflux may not be related to carcinogenesis in the remnant stomach in these patients.